Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “MES”
What is OEE SMART? OEE Smart is a comprehensive system designed to capture, process, and display plant performance data in real time, empowering plant teams with the information they need to make informed decisions and enhance efficiency.
OEE Smart is developed based on solid, time-tested concepts that enable factory employees at any level to identify sources of loss and address them effectively, improving performance and reducing costs.
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a proven method for measuring the efficiency of a manufacturing process by evaluating time utilization (“availability”), equipment capability utilization (“performance”), and the rate of defective products produced.
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Statistical Process Control Software
What is SPC? Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a crucial method in quality control, extensively used across various industries, especially in manufacturing. SPC is a systematic, data-driven approach that employs statistical methods to monitor, control, and enhance processes and their performance.
SPC relies heavily on data to evaluate process performance. By directly collecting data from the production line and analyzing it throughout different stages of the manufacturing process, our SPC Software empowers plant teams to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies.
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Environmental Control Software
Why Choose Environmental Control Software? Caring for the environment grows more crucial every day. It is not only our responsibility to the planet but is also subject to increasing regulation, and customers are more aware of eco-friendly operations.
Moreover, careful control of resource use enhances process reliability and cost-effectiveness. Measuring key environmental indicators, from raw material consumption to emissions, is vital for identifying when variables require specific attention or immediate action.
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